The National Center for X-ray Tomography (NCXT) is a National Institutes of Health, (NIH), and Department Of Energy, (DOE), funded Synchrotron facility.
Researchers can apply for beamtime to use the facility at no cost. To apply for beamtime Users are must submit a proposal via the GPU, (General User Proposal), or the RAPIDD, (Rapid Access Proposals, Industry, and Director’s Discretion), program at the ALS. All applications will be reviewed and evaluated based on scientific merit and feasibility.
Before the submission of a proposal, Users should review the available resources in the center to verify the feasibility of the experiment.
Before scheduling the beamtime Users should verify that their projects satisfy the biosafety requirements from the MBIB and ALS divisions. Once beamtime is scheduled and Biosafety requirements have been checked, Users will then be able to ship the samples for onsite processing.
When you publish your results you be sure to properly acknowledge the NCXT and ALS as well as the agencies funding it. Please acknowledge NIH NIGMS P30 GM138441 and U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231
While you are onsite, in the event of an emergency…

If you are sending temperature-sensitive specimens please provide us with shipping details, such as tracking numbers, so that we can locate the package as soon as it arrives on site.
Thank you so much for using SXT in your research. We truly appreciate hearing about your experience working with NCXT, and ask you to take a few minutes to complete this end-of-run form. We use your answers and feedback to constantly improve the facility. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact a staff member or the NCXT Director.

The NCXT Shipping Address:
Attn: Annie Drouin
National Center for X-ray Tomography
Advanced Light Source
Mailstop 6-2100
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720