Biosafety regulations pertinent to using the NCXT laboratories are described by the Work Planning and Control (WPC) documentation. This documentation covers all work conducted during the process of sample preparation for X-ray microscopy.
For the work performed at the beamline, the biosafety documentation is described in the Experimental Safety Assessment Form (ESAF).
Both the WPC and ESAF documentation needs to be approved by LBLs EH&S division and/or the IBC committee prior to the beginning of the experiment. For more information on the WPC contact Valentina Loconte, ( For more information on the ESAF contact Jian-Hua Chen (
Prior to beginning an experiment, each user will be asked to complete training and orientation required by LBL for the WPC relevant to the experiment and training and orientation required by the ALS. Upon completion of these online and on-the-job courses, the User will be authorized to work in the laboratory under the direct supervision of an NCXT beamline scientist.